Thursday, June 28, 2012

Eppie 3! :D

Hey Guys!!
Episode 3 is finally here!!!
Again, I apologize for the wait (finals and all...) but I have finally finished Eppie 3 for all to enjoy!
Thank you! ^o^

JGT Episode 3: A Spell of Change

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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Hey guys! Genie here. I apologize for the delay for eppie 3 ^^" It is in progress and will most likely be posted, at the latest, by Thursday of next week. Again, sorry for the delay, but I will do my best to get it posted! Thank you! :D

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Launch Pic

Jocey here!!! This is the JGT launch picture that was supposed to have come up when we opened the blog....but alas we  had some scanner errors and it didn't happen....well now its up!!! Enjoy!!!
Jocey out

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Huzzah for Episode 1!

 Hey guys! I know that this is late (so it may sound unnecessary, but I just can't contain my excitement), but JGT Episode 1 is now up!!!

           I'm sorry that there aren't any pretty colors or anything (hense I only had paper and pencils XD) but nonetheless I hope you've enjoyed it! And I'm so glad that there's a Zoom option, heehee....

           Well, though this is late, we are so excited that Eppie 1 is up! More new things will be randomly popping up as the days go by, including Episode 2 (perhaps on Wednesday :D)! Eppie 3 might be a little late due to college finals, but it will be up, I promise ^o^
         Thanks, and enjoy the beginning of our story! :D