Thursday, July 31, 2014

"Midnight premiere! Midnight premiere! Here...we...COME!"

Hey, guys! Like I said on Monday, today is a special day. And that is because...


Hooray for the original Squirrel Girl with the innocent smile and the need for fun (and poking people)!

Every year, I try to plan something special for the JGT Birthday cycle (if you don't know what I'm talking about, there is a fun fact in Extras that explains about this ironic, 21-day cycle ;3)

So this year, I have chosen a theme that has fueled our--and a lot of other people's--imaginations...

Magical Girls.

What, JGT is kind of a magical girl trio. I couldn't help myself ^_^

So, every birthday post will include a sketch of possible outfits for an art piece I am currently planning, which will be unveiled after Taylor's birthday. So look forward to that!

But for now, let us all ban together and wish Jocey-squirrel an awesome, unforgettable, and totally magical birthday! Jocey, always keep smiling and never extinguish your real passion for adventure, instigating (well...), and uniqueness. Thanks for all the years of encouraging and creativity...


Genie and the rest of JGT

PS: The title of the post is Jocey's first spoken line in JGT Episode 1... :)

Monday, July 28, 2014

The Random Urge to Add Hope...

Hey, everyone! Genie here.

Ooh, does the tension rise when you tell your new friends that you're actually a squirrel... I wonder if Jag included the "I-was-actually-assigned-to-kill-you-at-some-point" part XD

Nonetheless, you can't lose hope, guys!

On a side note, you know how I said I tend to rewrite as I go along? This page got rewritten BIG TIME. All the lines from the last row of panels were not in the original script. Guess I had the random urge to add hope.

And hope is never a bad thing to add, right? ^_^

I shall now continue with the page-making. See you guys on Thursday! And this Thursday is a purdy special day.... ;)

Until then,


JGT Episode 9: Big Magic (Part 3) ~ PAGE 34

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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Oh, How the Script Changes...

Hey, guys! Genie here.

As I finish up Page 34, I want to quickly share with you another case of "Dang I Changed the Script I Just Can't Make Up My Mind!"

This case appeals to Page 33, when JHR tell JGT the truth...

Here is a snapshot of the original:

Jag's lines pretty much stay the same, but Jocey's lines in this whole scene change BIG TIME (<--get it? Cuz 'Big' Magic...never mind.)

As you know, Jocey's line changes from, "We don't know what to say," to, "Jag, stop! This is all crazy!"

That's cuz out of the three girls, I didn't want Jocey to have a passive reaction. That's not how Jocey is. And her saying the new line may hit Jag way harder than the original line. Perhaps.

Just wait until the next page. I changed a lot of that script, too! XD

You shall see when the page is up!

Until then,


PS: Can you see what I added to Page 33's script? ;D Just a small line...

Monday, July 21, 2014

Squirrel's Out of the Bag...

Time’s almost up.

Secret’s finally out.

Is the friendship still alive?

Tune in for Page 34, coming out soon…

Until then,


JGT Episode 9: Big Magic (Part 3) ~ PAGE 33

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Thursday, July 17, 2014

A Little Note for Luck

Genie here with a special note for Jocey, who is taking a big test today (the PCAT O_O).

Jocey, here is the cast of JGT wishing you the best of luck!

We know you're gonna ROCK that test, Jocey! Just do your best!! We're all rooting for you!!

Genie and JGT :)

Monday, July 14, 2014

Page 32 is here!

Ello! Genie here with Page 32!

You got this, Jag! I’m sorry you’re under so much pressure…

Will the guys be able to tell them about their destinies? How will JGT react?

Tune in next week to find out!

An extra-post will be up later on this week as well.

Until then,


JGT Episode 9: Big Magic (Part 3) ~ PAGE 32

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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

A Day Early, A Sketch Too Many

Hello! Genie here! Huzzah for the Monday-Thursday upload schedule, right? This time, I'm a day early so I can start on Page 32 today.

I wanted to share with you a little fun fact regarding the JGT in OZ art piece, "The Nerve".

Here is the fun fact: that was only half of the drawing.

Here is the full, unfinished version!

Yeah, most of the page was supposed to be dedicated to the characters' reactions to Lion's comment. But, in the end, I didn't want to make the pic that complicated. So, I just chopped off most of the page, and only colored the top.

And that ended with a faceless Lion and an armless Genie...and a nice laugh.

Thanks for reading, and be sure to check out Page 32 early next week!

Until then,


Monday, July 7, 2014

Oh, the Awkwardness...

And Page 31 is here!

Gotta love simple, sweet moments between characters…

And gotta hate that awkwardness. It’s not like Genie can say, “Hey, you kind of remind me of a dorky raccoon dude that I think I knew at some point…please don’t judge me.”

Will the uncertainty keep Jag from telling JGT the truth? Keep reading to find out! Next page should be out next Monday! Look out for a possible post later this week, too!

Until then,


JGT Episode 9: Big Magic (Part 3) ~ PAGE 31

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Thursday, July 3, 2014

I Knew All Along...

Hey, guys! Genie here.

I'm starting to sense a posting pattern for myself. Mondays and Thursdays...we'll see how this turns out.

Well, I am still in the middle of Page 31, and so today, I shall ask for you to go back in JGT-time with me...

Remember this?

This is the JGT Halloween pic I drew two years ago..... so embarrassing XD

As you can see (hopefully), the theme was Robin Hood. And I chose that theme because I knew all along that Big Magic would involve Robin Hood cosplaying.

What, JGT was first drawn over 5 years ago! When the Big Magic trilogy came along, the big blockbuster movie at the time was Robin Hood. So...I used it XD But design-wise, I stuck to my Disney-instincts, hehe.

But at least with this blast from the past, you can see that I was already excited to dress my characters in Robin Hood get-up. I couldn't wait for two more years.

And now, they are bringing Mr. Hood back again. Check out the next page to see Jocey's cosplay ;)

Until then,
