Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sneak Peak of CAST: These are my Ideas

Hey, everyone! Genie here ^^

As I adjust back to the college lifestyle, I like to take breaks and prepare to start and continue my stories. By continue, I refer to JGT. By start, I refer to CAST!

CAST is a story that can be considered a 'sister' to JGT, for the characters are roughly based on the characters of JGT. However, the story is very different.

This series revolves around a town called Diction, where ideas are bright and real to the touch, and people are born with not names, but words.

Revolution, Sophistication, Epiphany, Avant Garde...They are all citizens of Diction, and they are all dreamers who wish to make their ideas immortal.

But when certain circumstances get in their way of their thoughts, and their lives, what are mere words to do?

This pic is a poster/concept art-thingy for the look of CAST. Though this will NOT be a comic and will indeed be a written story, I still like to understand how the world and the characters look ^^

So, here is an experimentation for the world of CAST, featuring the character Epiphany (aka Fanny), and a few of her ideas.

Hope you enjoy! And be on the look out for more sneak peaks and pages!

Until then,


Friday, September 20, 2013

PAGE 13 is here!

Hey, everyone! Sorry for the wait... This page took a little more time, mostly because there were six layers of panels instead of five, AND I'm starting to get ready to head back to college.
But nevertheless, it is done! On to page 14! Hopefully I can get one more page in before my classes start. But don't worry, the story will continue once school starts!

And haha, Jag and Harry with the iPhones.... I can only imagine...

Jag: I want a sword app, and a battle app, and an 'Everybody shut up' app...
Harry: It has a touchscreen.... HKSJHQKEFJ it SLIDES!

XD Thanks, Jocey, for the pic!

More pages and extras to come! Thanks for reading and being awesome!

Until then,


JGT Episode 9: Big Magic (Part 3) ~ PAGE 13

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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Because of phones...


TIs the Jocey-squirrel bringing you some awesome fanart! Woo hoo!! Be nice to me, tis my first try drawing human Jag and human Harry, but I like the way Jag came out, heh heh, he's cute ;)

The iPhone was recently updated which inspired this picture, Harry's eyes came out kinda funny, but i still like the way the drawing came out...also, Harry isn't that curvy, that's my bad haha...

Anyways! be on the lookout for a new page! There is one coming out soon!!! (EXCITEMENT)

Jocey-squirrel out!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Extra: Potential Design for Eppie One's cover

Hey, guys! Happy Friday the 13th! And while I'm currently drawing page 13, here is a little peek at an old-ish cover idea for JGT Eppie 1: Three Squirrels and a Prophecy!

In this episode, Jocey, Genie, and Taylor get a good slap of luck as they magically turn into squirrels while attending a midnight movie premiere! Whether the luck is good or bad is up to you ^o^

So, hope you enjoy this I crawl into my bed and hide under the covers cuz I'm embarrassed by my old drawing style XD

Now I must get back to page 13!

Until then,


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

And last but not least...Taylor's Verse!

Hey, guys! So in conclusion to the 21-day JGT Birthday Trilogy, here is the third verse of "Count on Me", written in the eyes of Taylor!

My friends are the reason why I'm not alone
And everyone knows the flower 
Doesn't bloom on its own
It takes a lot of love and care
That's what I get when you are there
This feeling is the greatest thing to share

And when times are too hard to bear

Just count on me and you will see
I'll help you on your way
You are my sunshine when I'm lost
And you told me it's okay
To be afraid when there's no love
Now it's time to show what we are made of
So come on down, come with me
You will see

You can count on me!

We're here for you, Tay! You can count on us! With the moon to light the dark and the butterfly to guide you to safety, you are free to bloom into something wonderful!

Happy Birthday! ^o^

**The whole song and its lyrics shall be posted in due time now! So watch out for that!

Happy Birthday, Taylor!

21 days after G's birthday guessed it, the T of JGT! Taylor!

As you guys know, Taylor's symbol is the flower. And so, here is a little drawing using a curvaceous drawing style and a dash of simplicity. I tried to make her dress resemble a flower as well.

So, from a grateful butterfly to a friendly flower, Happy Happy Birthday to our kind and bright Taylor!

Monday, September 9, 2013

And here is page 12!

Hey, everyone! Page 12 is here!
JHR's plan is now starting unfold. But how will they handle the pressures of their magical assignment...or worse, the pressures of high school?!
Read and find out ^o^
(By the way, if you can't read the small text (there's a lot of it in this page), just right click and Open Image in New Tab, and I believe you should be able to magnify the page ^^ Sorry about that...Harry has a lot to say hehehe

More goodies shall be comin along later this week, so check back *cough cough* wednesday *cough*.

Until then,


JGT Episode 9: Big Magic (Part 3) ~ PAGE 12

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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Sketches: Rudy Jr. the ....Samurai?

...What? I like dressing up my characters in cute costumes, okay? These were drawn a little while ago, but please enjoy nonetheless!
In the meantime, I'm finishing up the drawing phase of page 12! So that shall come as well! Thank you for waiting!

Until then,

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Promo Picture: The Big Magic Trilogy

Hello all!
Here is a simple poster/promotional picture for JGT eppies 7-9, aka the 'Big Magic' episodes...
Twas something I thought would be cool to make, as well as a nice way to spread the word of JGT Comics.
I also felt that these eppies deserved a lot of recognition since they are, well, technically the Mid-Season finale of Season 1 :D OMG we're half way done with Season 1!
Eppie 9, as you know, is still in progress, but the thumbs up for the new/colored style are making all the time used to making them worth it all ^o^ I myself am still hyped for it!
So to share my excitement, here is a picture for Big Magic, the trilogy of eppies that could possibly change everything...