Monday, September 29, 2014

We Interrupt Your Monday with Some News

Hello Squirrel-y fans,
Jocey here bringing you an update about this weeks page! I was told by the creator Genie that the next page is not ready yet, but be prepared for it later this week! In other JGT related news, Big Magic is almost done! Can you believe how far we have come with this chapter and with this site!! It's pretty amazing.
One more thing I would like to bring up is for you guys to check our other website:
If you would like to see some blast to the past JGT episodes in color please go check it out! It looks awesome and both Genie and I are working hard on it!
That's all I have for today,
I'll be seeing you around,

Thursday, September 25, 2014

JGT Magical Girls ~ "RESCUE"

Hey, guys! Genie here.

So, you know how throughout the JGT birthday cycle, I've been sketching out ideas for a JGT Magical Girl pic?

Well... here is one of them!

And it's called "Rescue"!

*Title inspired by the song, "Rescue", by Yuna!

And this pic was mainly drawn to introduce the final designs for the magical girl dresses! I decided to go the simple route with this one.

Tis basically showing how you can be trapped in darkness, stress, or whatever troubles you, but with your ideas, your loved ones, and your awesomeness, you can break out and rescue yourself ;)

I hope you enjoy the designs and the picture! More Magical Girl!JGT shall come in the future! (Now I continue wrapping up Big Magic!)

Until then,


Monday, September 22, 2014

Uh Oh...

Well, with Ace and Lila out of the way, the guys and JGT can fulfill their duty and live happily ever after...


JGT Episode 9: Big Magic (Part 3) ~ PAGE 40

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Friday, September 19, 2014


I did it. I told you guys Thursday, and I posted it at 11:59pm.

Huzzah for me!

Also, huzzah for Jocey knocking the crud out of Lila! Don't mess with the Squirrel Jocey...well, Human Jocey...heck, they're the same, so don't mess with either of them.

And of course, huzzah for Harry&Ace angst. Gotta love brotherly love...ish.

Now I continue drawing pages and magical girl stuff. Just as a heads up, next next week might be slow on updates since that is the time that I start moving back to school and all that jazz. But I will try my best to maintain if not bounce back to my normal Monday&Thursday updates.

Thank you guys, and hope you enjoy the page!!

Until then,


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Oh, the Surprises of Life...

Hey, guys! Genie here with 'okay' news and 'omg whaaaat' news!

First, the 'okay' news...

I'm sorry I wasn't able to get Page 39 done by Monday. However, I am trying my hardest to get it done by the site's second uploading date, Thursday! And if you're an Ace/Harry fan, be really sure to look out for it ;D

Also, I am still finalizing the designs for the JGT Magical Girl art piece! So thank you so much for your patience with that!

And for said patience, here is a lil doodle of Genie Squirrel wearing...something XD

Now, for the 'omg whaaaat' news...

There is a reason for my being a lil late on the page...well, other than the fact that I was out of town for the weekend.

For the first time in my life, I got....a DOG.

And here is my first crappy attempt at drawing him XD

My brother named him Doodles, cuz we both like doodling. And tis punny cuz he's a mini goldendoodle. So huzzah for adorable punniness!

So, again, thank you all for being so patient! Page 39 is well on its way, as well as Magical Girl awesomeness!!

Until then,

Genie and Doodles

Thursday, September 11, 2014

"Oh, Genie, it's okay! Tonight will be wonderful, I promise!"

Ello, everyone! Today, we celebrate the 3rd and last birthday of the Magical Girl Birthday Trilogy!

Let's all wish a happy, happy birthday to TAYLOR!!!

And here is a sneak peak at her Magical Girl design!

Her design (at the moment) is very 'princessy', no?

Well, that is how our Taylor is. And there is nothing wrong with that ^o^

That just means that she's kind, polite, and is always there to make sure that we're smiling. She's our little bookworm, our musical expert, and our 'flower' :) And we're all rooting for her to keep blooming! (And I just realized that not one but two flower puns are in that sentence O.o)

So, have a wonderful birthday, Taylor! Thank you for so many happy memories, and we can't wait to make more!


Genie and the rest of JGT

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Swing of Things...

Hey, guys! Long time,

Well, after coming back from New York, I'm now trying to get into the swing of things again. Thank you again, Jocey, for manning the fort while I was gone! Knew I could 'count on you'!

Speaking of swing, gotta love Jocey's in that last panel. Tree branches are the new frying pans.

Sorry again for this being a few minutes late. I'm also juggling a good amount of birthday stuff, but as of right now, I'm just glad the page is done and it is...pretty violent O.o Wonder what's gonna happen in the next page...

Stay tuned to find out ;D Next page should be up next week on Monday (or early, early Tuesday...apparently).

Thanks for your patience, guys! And see you on Thursday (*cough cough*)!

Genie ^^

JGT Episode 9: Big Magic (Part 3) ~ PAGE 38

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Thursday, September 4, 2014

More desert news

Jocey here bringing you some crazy news! More desert sketches for everyone woo!!! I compiled some of the doodles into a page of doodles! We get to see three other possible characters!
There are three coyote sketches (the same gal) and she might be the possible villain in the story
The bird looking thing is supposed to be a roadrunner, and he's the sheriff (get it coyote and roadrunner). He also might be a pseudo villain as well. The cobra on the bottom is going to be an oracle, since snakes don't have arms I thought it would be the price of beings able to see into the future. So most snakes (if Genie is okay with this idea) have the ability to see, varying by snake. Our cobra friend here can see very well, that's why she is an oracle.

I still hafta work out the kinks and stuff of the story, mainly coming up with a good story haha...I asked all kinds of questions to Genie today so I can get some world building in!

And Genie has returned from the New York! WOOO!! She's still getting everything sorted and stuff  as well as working on a few bday gifts for friends that are coming up (one of them is Tay). So comics should resume next week! 

That's all I gotta say, so I'll see you all next week woo!!

-Jocey out

Monday, September 1, 2014

Deserts and banishments

Jocey is here to pop in and say hi! Genie is returning from her adventures in New York and I just got through my first week of school! WOO! I wanna say hi to y'all and I wanna start by posting one of the new pages from the new website:

Remember this page? It's page three of chapter 1! And it's in color! I wanna point that minion that was poofed away! I've always wanted to know what happened to him and what became of him and after having an idea power session with Genie I was like this guy is skunk and he landed in a desert!
 Genie was like he says "This stinks!" and I was like he wanders in the desert for days and then has a revelation about what he's been doing with his life and thus Kai was born.
This is Kai! And his story will be a sister story to JGT! I'm still working out the kinks in the story (as well as working on my own story), but here is what he looks like! I wanted him to have two different colored eyes cause he looks soo cool!!!!  
So be on the lookout for a new page on Thursday!
See y'all later!
-Jocey out