Saturday, May 30, 2015

"Anything You Want"

Ello, everyone! Sorry the weekly mini comic is kinda late. This week has been so hectic for school... but after all the essay writing and essay writing and essay writing, I was able to finish!

So here it is! Tis called "Anything You Want"!


Jocey informed me of something that's pretty great and pretty significant....

So I might just have to post something later...Jocey might, too....hmmm....

Until then,


Thursday, May 21, 2015

"To The Death"

Ello! Genie here with another mini JGT comic!

Hehe, hope you enjoy! ^^

Until then,


Thursday, May 14, 2015

Special Announcement and "The Last Skittle"

Hey, guys!! Genie here.

So, as you may have noticed, the original JGT trio are graduating one by one. Jocey and Tay have already tossed their caps into the air this past weekend, and I shall do the same in about another month.

And because of that, it will be hard for me to actually sit down and start the new episode. I will most likely start drawing it in early summer.

BUT WAIT! That doesn't mean that this episode hiatus is going to fall through without any JGT shenanigans!

As a transition from Big Magic to OZ, I have decided to draw weekly one-page comics! These comics are going to be simply done, and are going to show us the small adventures the gang run into during their training at Mt. Hill. They are also a great way for me to relieve my stress, so there's that, too. **Cough** A couple of them maaay be relevant for the next episode as well **Cough**

I will do my very best to make this a weekly thing, and if not, they shall be maybe a few days late. It's worth a try!

So, to start the mini adventures, here is one starring Jocey, Genie, Taylor, and a piece of candy. This is actually a revival of an old, old, old JGT comic of the same scenario.

Hope you enjoy "The Last Skittle"!

The next mini adventure debuts next week :)

Until then,


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

A Very Proud G

Hey, guys! Genie here!

And guess who have just graduated!!

These two right here!

Congratulations, Jocey and Taylor! You have survived one of the toughest adventures a person can go through: college! I shall join you in June...

I am so proud of both of you and all that you've accomplished. I can't wait to see what you guys do next! And I'll be watching over you all the way, cuz, you know, that's how I and my character are XD

Love you both, and again, congrats!!!

Until then,

A very proud G :)

Saturday, May 2, 2015

A Little Bit of Silly Luck

Ello, everyone! Genie here! Sorry for lack of post this past week; midterms are not fun, even when they're your last midterms of undergrad.

Since I am done with the first round of tests, I can have more time to work on prep for JGT in OZ!

But for now, I wanted to share a little doodle I did to help relax me while studying, and I even shared it with Jocey while she was studying, too.

Tis a simple doodle, but it made us smile :)

Silly Morrison Brothers....

I'm so grateful that I can turn to this comic and you guys to help me smile :)

Let's get this episode started!

Until then (probably before that),
