Tuesday, September 29, 2015

So Many Sir Aldrics and Genies...

Ello, everyone! Genie here with the 7th page of Episode 10! Huzzah!

And man oh man, I never drew that many Sir A's and Genies in the same page before XD Small fun fact, haha. Don't worry, more characters show up in the next page ;)

Also! Look out later this week for an Extras post! Page 8 should then follow a few days after that :)

Now, to continue getting ready for the storm...

Until then,


JGT Episode 10: OZ ~ PAGE 7

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Friday, September 25, 2015

Quick Sketch: Double J Trouble

Ello, guys! Genie here!

I'm currently working on Page 7 for OZ, so in the meantime, I wanted to share with you a quickie sketch of a couple of characters :) Characters whose names both start with the letter "J"...

Huzzah, tis Jag and Jocey! 

FUN FACT: The title "Double J Trouble" was actually a full episode of the original draft of JGT Season 1! I'm...probably not going to include it in this new revamp, so consider this a tiny tribute to the episode that will only exist in the confines of my ginormous comic binder XD If I do a real, real tribute, I'll include the synopsis. For now, just know that it's about these two...being themselves, hehe.

Okay, back to work on the current eppie. See you guys with Page 7!

Until then,


Sunday, September 20, 2015

Genie, the Party-Pooper

Ello, guys! Genie here with Page 6 of JGT in OZ!

And my character is the epitome of party-pooping. My apologies X)

We shall see what she has to say for herself in the next page! I'm going to try to post more extras while I work on the next page, so stay tuned, okay?

Until then,


PS: Don't worry, I'm not a major party-pooper in real life....well...

JGT Episode 10: OZ ~ PAGE 6

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Sunday, September 13, 2015

Page 5 is up! Huzzah!

Ello, everyone! Genie here with page 5 of JGT in OZ! The next page should be up in about a week, if not sooner :) Hope you guys are enjoying the calm before the storm!

..... *Badump, pshhhh*

Until then,


JGT Episode 10: OZ ~ PAGE 5

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Friday, September 11, 2015

The Wishful Bookmark

Ello, everyone! It is my pleasure to announce the last day of the JGT Birthday Prophecy Cycle! Today is Taylor's birthday! Huzzah!!!!

As you may know, this year, the theme for the birthday cycle is Extraordinary Ideas. Jocey created itty bitty fire fluffs under a blue moon. I made butterflies appear in mid-air. And now it's Tay's turn.

Taylor, you possess the Wishful Bookmark...

This bookmark is a flower, and every petal of that flower is a wish. Usually, people would pluck off those petals in order to wish for something, like for someone to love them or not.

But this is different. All of the petals on your flower come back to you, and stay with you as you read your books, as you live through your stories. And sometimes, your wishes can even help you write your own story.

So on this birthday, and all the days that follow, continue to wish, and make those wishes come true, Taylor! We know you can do it. Because hey, you're part of JGT. That means that you are quite extraordinary :)


Genie and JGT

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Welcome Back, Gang!

In which the 6 main characters enter in one chaotic scene of dialogue and party-talk XD

Hope you guys enjoy the page!! I shall now get started on the next one :) I also gotta get something else prepared by the end of the week. Can you guys guess what it is?

Until then,


JGT Episode 10: OZ ~ PAGE 4

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Tonight, tonight...

Hey, everyone! Genie here! Sorry for the lack of posts this week; I've been doing a lot of organizing.

BUT! That hasn't stopped me from getting a page done for you guys! So check back tonight for Page 4 of OZ :)

Until then,
