Sunday, October 2, 2016

Memories 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10: A Decade of the JGT Friendship

Ello, everyone! Genie here with a very special post.

As you may know, for the JGT Birthday Prophecy Cycle this year, Jocey, Taylor, and I shared our 3 favorite memories of each other. The 3rd memory was shared on Taylor's birthday, 21 days ago.

Well, since then, I've been planning a little surprise for Jocey and Taylor.

You see, 10 years ago, my family and I moved. I was 12 going on 13, a new student in a new school. Where I used to live, I was bullied. I obsessed over school and other serious things. I was beginning to lose my sense of humor and my smile.

And you know how I got my smile back? These two girls.

When I met Jocey and Taylor, I felt...better. I drew more. I sang more. I wasn't afraid to be myself, and I hadn't felt that way in a long time. Through the years, of course, the three of us had ups and downs. We had to go our separate ways for college. We had to grow.

But the thing is...we grew together.

Ten years later, I can honestly say that I am SO PROUD of these two. Jocey and Taylor, you've both accomplished so much more than you know. You deserve all the success that comes to you and all the love you receive along the way. You are both brave, and talented, and I am tearing up right now just by thinking about how much I believe in you and love you.

So, as the last part of your birthday presents, and as a celebration of our 10-year friendiversary, here is a drawing...

For old times' sake, I decided to hand-draw this. It's 7 more memories, so that we've featured a total of 10 memories during this Birthday Prophecy Cycle. I hope you enjoy this picture, as I've enjoyed remembering all of these awesome times.

So, Happy Happy Birthday again, and Happy 10-Year Friendiversary, Jocey and Taylor! I am so happy and honored to be your friend, and to witness how much you've both grown. Here's to more years of randomness, comic-worthy moments, and smiles.



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