Saturday, July 28, 2018

So...Grad School...

Ello, everyone! Genie here. It's been a while, huh? I'm sorry I've been MIA lately. It's for an exciting reason, though!

Earlier this year, I posted about how I got accepted into grad school. Well, that was a few months ago, and now, I am about to move to my new apartment across the country and officially start grad school in the fall.

So, how does JGT come into play?

Right now, I am on a little hiatus, as I have to take some time and settle into my new home for the next two years. And as I've said before, my drawing pace will slow down once I start studying, but I am keeping, to you and to myself, the promise that this comic will continue. It's just going to take some more time, that's all.

It's all a big adjustment, founded upon by an amazing opportunity. I am very excited to continue my education in a field I absolutely love, even though I do have to make some sacrifices.

However, I will still be around this summer for the Birthday Prophecy Cycle, and maybe a few extra posts here and there. The next OZ page will probably be finished and posted once I am officially moved in.

Again, thank you so much for your patience, and your support. My journey is merely shifting, but that does not and never will mean that JGT's journey is ending.

Until then,


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