Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Quick Check-In: Freak Out

Hey, guys! Genie here!

Page 27 is on the way, I promise! I'm still in the Drawing Phase, and at this time, school's giving me a lot of stuff on my plate.
I also just got a hold of the Scribles (aka the binders that hold the original JGT comics...maybe I'll show you guys how they look one day ;o), so you guys may see more old school JGT stuff in the future.

In other news that's not really JGT related...
As mentioned in my Bio, one of my college majors is Creative Writing, and with that comes the scary, scary challenge of submitting your work to the outside world...that's not your room and Microsoft Word, the hopes of getting published.
JGT is the first time I really ever put my creative work out there for eyes that weren't mine or Jocey's. And so far, it's been one sweet and totally awesome ride.

I can't say the same thing for my writing, though.
I've never really had the courage to bring out and submit my written stories outside of closed circles of friends and family. I was just afraid that...I don't know, that I would fail? That I wouldn't be good enough? That I'm wasting my time trying to learn this craft?

But this year, I said, "Ugh...fine!" and started submitting my stories to college journals. We all gotta start somewhere, right? I had nothing to lose. The worst thing that could happen is that they say, 'No.' And I have gotten a few of them. That feeling...could be nicer, hehe.

But last week, I received an email. Pomona Valley Review, a literary journal, officially offered acceptance for publication for one of my stories.


After so many NO's and I-CAN'T-DO-THIS's and ALKJFJFSDLFS's, I finally got somewhere. I didn't stop writing even though I was afraid of the world judging every word, and I didn't stop writing even though after I shared it with the world, I got rejected.

So, please, I beg you, if you have a passion (and I know you do), and you wish to pursue it, keep going. Learn your passion, practice your passion, never let NO get in the way.

Now I can say that I am, in a small way, a published author. And the tears of joy are real.

.....Oh wow, I wrote a lot. My bad ^o^"""

At first, I just wanted to say Hi.

But now I also wanna say that YOU GOT THIS!

Never give up on your passions. They may team up with you and take you to your dreams. :)

Okay, Ate Genie's done now. I better get crackin' on the comic page and Creative Writing hw. Gotta love it.

Thank you for reading, and for being awesome!

Until then,


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