Tuesday, June 3, 2014

JGT "OZ" Character Sheet: Harrison Morrison

Hey, guys!

Since finals are coming up, the next page might take longer to finish.

BUT, in the meantime, I have some more little extras for you!

And for today, I (finally) give you another "JGT in OZ" chara sheet!

Ta-da! Say hello to the 'Tin Man' of JGT!

In this rendition, his name is T.I.N. And instead of being just a rusty tin woodsman, he's a rusty Tunnel-of-Love animatronic, who wants nothing more than a heart so he can find out what love really is...

T.I.N.'s design was probably THE hardest. As you can see, I went through many different hats and coats and styles. At one point, he looked like a hotel bellhop. That would've been an interesting twist.

But his identity as a Tunnel-of-Love dude came from the final design I did for him...a snazzy top hat-and-cane kind of look ^o^

So all of those sketchbook pages of robot-raccoon doodles have now paid off...I finally have my Tin Man :D

I hope you enjoy this sneak peek of "JGT in OZ"! Stay tuned for more :)

Until then,


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