Friday, June 20, 2014

Let's Do This...

Hey, guys! Genie here!

Well, I have finished the school year, I have received my grades, and I have let out a huge sigh of relief. Now, on with summer!

This particular summer is going to be very busy for me. I have made certain goals for myself in regards to comic pages and extras and...other things ;)

Though it all does tend to intimidate me a little bit, I am determined to get as much done as I can. Especially with the Big Magic climax just around the corner. But, I repeat, I AM DETERMINED!

And to express that statement, here is a custom sketch of squirrel Genie:

So guys, grab your lunar staffs and magic quills and wands...this is gonna be an awesome ride!

Gonna kickstart this summer with Page 29 of Eppie 9, which should be done either Sunday or Monday.

Until then!


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