Monday, April 14, 2014

JGT in OZ: Technicolor

Hey, guys!

You're probably wondering why I'm taking so long with the next Big Magic page. This next page is supposed to have a different layout than the rest of the comic, so I'm having a hard time with the layout, spacing, and all that jazz. It's a fun page, don't get me wrong. It's just a challenge. But thank you so much, again, for being so patient, and I hope the page turns out awesome! ^o^

So, as I get my stuff together for the next page, I am living off of more OZ inspiration, mostly due to a Wizard of Oz/L. Frank Baum orchestra concert that I recently went to. Because of that, this came to be...

I wanted to sketch, but I also wanted to color....and this is how I satisfied myself hehehe.

Of course, this is a shoutout to the Technicolor transformation of the 1939 MGM movie, how the sepia of Kansas was literally splashed by every color imaginable just with the opening of the door. So yeah, I was trying to aim for that, haha.
(And yes, that's a tent, not a house X3)

Again, I hope you enjoy, and pages and sketches should be coming your way soon!

Until then,


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