Friday, July 31, 2015

What Happens During a Blue Moon...


You know it! Tis that time of year again! Every 21 days, a girl of the JGT trio will be celebrating a birthday! And today is none other than Jocey's birthday! Huzzah!!! And tonight, there supposedly will be a blue moon! Isn't that perfect?

JGT is very special to me. So, for every JGT birthday, I am going to illustrate a special idea featuring each titular character, starting with Jocey and her blue moon.

Blue moons are rare and beautiful. When people say that something happens once in a blue moon, they say it with a certain awe. I feel like blue moons are a gift, and that they are the backdrop of extraordinary things. And Jocey, to me, is the personification of a blue moon :)

Jocey's everyday powers are moon and fire powered. But when a blue moon appears...

...I would guess that something awesome would happen. One idea could be that the flames from Jocey's lunar staff would come to life, and become itty bitty fire fluffs! And they would have every ounce of Jocey-ness in them, too ^^

So, in this strange turn of events, all hail Jocey, the holder of the blue moon, and the queen of the itty bitty fires!

Hehe, happy, happy birthday, Jocey! I hope you enjoy your day, and may you continue to be awesome, beautiful, and totally extraordinary! We cannot wait to see you shine :)


Genie and JGT

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