Thursday, February 27, 2014

JGT OZ Concept Art : Hidden Rainbow

Hey, everyone! Genie here.

For your viewing pleasure, here is another art piece I whipped up for the OZ special.

This piece, in particular, shows three scenes from the story. Some are from the original, some are not, haha.

I decided to call it "Hidden Rainbow" cuz I originally did it to experiment with color.
Also, can you find the rainbow? It was a complete accident and I only noticed it until it was finished. I mean....yeah, that was totally my plan. Huzzah for my artistic choices. ;)

And fun fact! Apparently, it's The Wizard of Oz (the movie)'s 75th Anniversary this year! Coincidence? Yes indeed. I didn't know that either until...yesterday.

Anywho, I hope you enjoy this colorful Ozian drawing!

I shall now get back to homework and page 24.

Until then,


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Page 23! Finally!

Hey, guys!

First off, HUZZAH THE PAGE IS FINALLY DONE! I wonder what Flitwick plans on doing...hmm...find out in the next page (which is already in progress!), I apologize for being a day late on my promise. Sudden meetings and homework assignments kept me away from finishing up the coloring.

So, because I am overwhelmed with assignments, I decided to let one of the JGT characters help me out.

Which character did I choose, you ask?


Thanks, Ace, you're a big help.

Anyway, I shall try to post some more JGT and OZ stuff soon! As well as page 24, which I am really excited to draw, heehee ^^

Until then, thank you for being awesome!


JGT Episode 9: Big Magic (Part 3) ~ PAGE 23

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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Almost there!

Hey, guys!

Just a quick 'hello' to you all as I finish up coloring Page 23, which should be posted sometime tomorrow! Huzzah!!! It's getting mixed in with the rest of my homework, haha, so it might be posted in the later half of tomorrow X3

Thank you all for being so patient! And I can't wait to show you the next page (a lot of characters in this one, haha)!

Until then, have a great night!


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

JGT 'OZ' Concept Art: Ease On Down the Road

Hey, guys! Genie here!

(Page 23 has started. I repeat, page 23 has started. Huzzah!!!)

Anywho, as you all wait for Page 23, I wanted to share with you another lil concept piece that in the end is quite special.

And that's because...

...all 4 main charas are in it!!!

So yeah, this is just me experimenting with backgrounds (which are not my I apologize for forced simplicity), colors, and of course, the dynamics between the 4 main charas of OZ!

You've seen three of these before, but now you see who's playing the 'lion'...mouse...well, when his chara page comes up, I'll talk more about him, hehe.

And yes, the title is that catchy, catchy song from 'The Wiz'. I couldn't resist, cuz that's what the charas are doing in the picture ^^"

So yeah! I know that it could've turned out better, but that's what practice is for, right?? Drawing this picture also made me realize that creating an Ozian world is going to be very, very.....very, very hard, but it's a challenge I am more than willing to take on!

Thank you again, and I hope you enjoy the concept art!!

Until then,


Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day, Everyone!

Huzzah for a JGT OZ-themed Valentine, featuring a certain dude who's aching for a heart...

You guys totally rock! Thanks for caring about these characters and their story, and please continue spreading love to the heartfelt, and the heartless, for both still have the ability to love.

Happy Valentine's Day,

Genie and JGTcomics <3

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

JGT 'OZ' Character Sheet: Jag

Hey, guys!

(Page 23 is still gonna be a biiiit delayed, so me sorry! I promise once this week calms down for me, it shall be worked on!)

So, as a quick stress-reliever, since this particular week is really giving me no time to breathe, I decided to whip up another character sheet for OZ!


Tis Jag! As Scarecrow! Huzzah!

His design was actually one of the hardest to do, cuz of the fact that a scarecrow's wardrobe can...get all over the place, haha.

And his hat...annoyed me so much.

This is actually just a handful of the doodles I drew for SC. I had to doodle him a good amount of times because things in his wardrobe kept changing XD

Um, one thing that changed from the 'Unravel' concept art was his hat size (again, the hat annoyed me), and the skin tone. I decided to have Jag be a yellowish tint...cuz he's a'll see later on, heehee ;)

And sorry, Scarecrow. Only JGT's Jag gets the lowlights.

And as I worked on this sheet, I also had to decide what his eye color would be. I decided to make them green....also, for reasons that will be explained later on!

So, yah! I hope you enjoy this sneak peek on the process of designing the Scarecrow for JGT's OZ! Please check back later for more posts about...well, at this point, anything!

Until then,


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Concept Doodles: Now Sporting a Jacket

Hey, guys! Genie here and hangin' on...

Just about ready to begin Midterms Week for me. Aaaand just about ready to rev up some more drawings/pages for you guys!

As Page 23 is starting up, I wanted to share with you a page...of my sketchbook!

This was juuuust before page 16, when Jag and Harry get wardrobe changes.

A few days prior to drawing that page, I was filling a good amount of sketchbook pages with practice I can make sure these outfits actually look good on the dudes, haha.

Man, I still can't believe Human Jag looks like THAT now. In the original, he was so....ohhh, so ugly, omg (if you don't know what he looks like, click here at your own risk)!

Huzzah for sketchbooks that help characters (and artists) grow!

Now, I shall get more work done. Be on the look out for more characters and more story!

Until then,


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

And here is Page 22!

Hey, everyone!!

I'm sorry I'm a day later than I'd promised. I finished Page 22 in the wee hours of the morning (pshh, sleep? What's that?) And I thought it'd be smarter to upload it...not in the wee hours of the morning, hehe.

But thank you all so much for your patience, and now you can see Tay and Rudy being themselves (?) in the next scene of Eppie 9!

And if you're wondering why Rudy's getting a little emotional (I didn't see it coming either. That wasn't in the script O_O), just...well, you'll see as more pages come in ^^

Just a heads up, Page 23 maaayyy be delayed as well, meaning that it won't be done by Sunday. This week is kind of a crunch week for me in school, as I have a deadline approaching for my short story, and I really, really need to get that done, haha.

So, Page 23 will be done in about a week or so.

In the meantime, I will post up more lil things for both JGT and the OZ special (I have more character design stuff in the works)! So get ready for those!

And again, thank you guys for simply being awesome. This website has become a little haven of mine, and it's so nice and such an honor to share it with all of you. You guys rock!

I shall see you later!

Until then,


JGT Episode 9: Big Magic (Part 3) ~ PAGE 22

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Sunday, February 2, 2014

Blast from the Past: Old JHR Human Looks...*Gulps*

Hey, everyone!

Well, due to the attack of homework assignments, Page 22 is not quite finished yet. It should be up by either Monday or Tuesday, so thank you for waiting a couple of days more!

As a token of my apologies and...dignity...I would like to share with you a little piece of JGT's past...

Behold...Jag, Harry, and Rudy's OLD HUMAN LOOKS!

(Oh God, there goes my dignity.)

So...*sighs* you can see, there is a reason why my old JGT drawings are...a topic I'm oh so fond of, haha.
This was drawn about, I'm guessing, maybe 4-5 years ago? Well, I guess I can say my style changed, and hopefully improved, haha.

If it's too hard for you to pinpoint (and I don't blame you if it is), Rudy is in the top left panel, Harry is in the top right panel (and both middle panels), and the dude with the lowlights. Jag is ALWAYS the dude with the lowlights.

And...yeah, in the original episode, they all wore hats. That was because of the hilarious yet humiliating fact that in the original, the Big Magic spell didn't work for their ears, so they were in fact human, but they still had on their animal ears.

You can understand why I didn't go through with that idea, right??

So anyways, please enjoy laughing at---I mean, well, yeah, laughing at---this blast from JGT's past.

I shall now hide somewhere and finish up homework and Page 22.

Until then,
